Water Birds : Part 2 !!!

So good to be back again !

Here are we in the second week of my water bird tours . There are many birds visiting this area recently with one more new addition in the form of the western yellow wagtail which I spotted for the first time here.

This time the birds I will be talking about are :

1. Indian Pond Heron

The Indian pond heron or paddybird is a small heron. It is of Old World origins, breeding in southern Iran and east to the Indian subcontinentBurma, and Sri Lanka. They are widespread and common but can be easily missed when they stalk prey at the edge of small water-bodies or even when they roost close to human habitations. Their camouflage is so excellent that they can be approached closely before they take to flight.

They appear stocky with a short neck, short thick bill and buff-brown back.They are very common in India, and are usually solitary foragers, but numbers of them may sometimes feed in close proximity during the dry seasons when small wetlands have a high concentration of prey. They are semi-colonial breeders. They may also forage at garbage heaps.The Indian pond heron's feeding habitat is marshy wetlands. They usually feed at the edge of ponds making extensive use of floating vegetation such as water hyacinth to access deeper water. They may also on occasion swim on water or fish from the air and land in deeper waters.The primary food of these birds includes crustaceans, aquatic insects, fishes, tadpoles and sometimes leeches. According to the IUCN red list, their conservation status is at Least Concern as of now.

A video of this meditation saint bird ... ( Yeah, I mean seriously ! it appears so sagely !)

2. Yellow Wagtail

The western yellow wagtail is a small passerine in the wagtail family. This species breeds in much of temperate Europe and Asia

It is a slender 15–16 cm long bird, with the characteristic long, constantly wagging tail of its genus. It is the shortest tailed of the European wagtails. The breeding adult male is basically olive above and yellow below. In other plumages, the yellow may be diluted by white.This insectivorous bird inhabits open country near water, such as wet meadows.  It occurs in fields and often near livestock during migration. Like other wagtails, walks on ground and pumps its long, white-sided tail up and down. Plumage highly variable, but breeding male wholly bright yellow below, with greenish back. The call of this brd is a high-pitched jeet. As of now, it's conservation status is at Least Concern.

Videos of The western Yelow Wagtail that I shot ...
The bird is eating an insect !!!

Besides, always look for more info about birds on ebird.org ... my trusted online birding and exploring site !


Anonymous said…
love your posts! keep growing :)
Anonymous said…
fabulous! 👍
Amolika said…
Soo good....and charming ❤️
Aadyaabareilly said…
Thank You so much !
Mahi said…

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