안녕하세요, Bonjour, 你好, नमस्ते, こんにちは, Ciao, Hola !!! 😄
Wow ! What a break it has been ... ✨️
Can't believe it, two whole years.
A lot has happened though, I've passed high-school with a really decent score, selected my future stream and am a really busy student right now.
How come you are here then ? You might say ...
Well, I stumbled upon my long lost buddy yesterday and I thought why not take out time to just update my life happenings here ... even if I'm not exactly exploring birds right now 😆 cause I have a lot of time for that in my future days.
So, I have made this target, to write this blog every once in a fortnight 😊
Currently, I'm busy wih my half yearly examinations of Sophomore year and side by side, adjusting to an awesome school I joined recently.
Also, just for reference, all the photos I use here are taken by myself sometimes or other.
The best is yet to come,